1.6. dashboard


🔗 emacs-dashboard: An extensible emacs startup screen

Emacsの起動を早くしようと試行錯誤している一方、せめて初期画面くらいは、ホットするようなものにしたい…ということで、dashbord.el を導入しました。


<home> キーを押すことで何処からでも dashboard画面に戻ります。

(leaf dashboard
  :ensure t
  :hook ((after-init-hook . dashboard-setup-startup-hook)
		 (dashboard-mode-hook . page-break-lines-mode))
  :defun (dashboard-setup-startup-hook)
  :bind (("<home>" . open-dashboard)
		  ("c" . chromium-calendar)
		  ("y" . chromium-yahoo-japan)
		  ("n" . chromium-nhk-news)
		  ("w" . chromium-weather)
		  ("t" . chromium-tweetdeck)
		  ("h" . chromium-homepage)
		  ("m" . sylpheed)
		  ("s" . slack)
		  ("." . hydra-browse/body)
		  ("<home>" . quit-dashboard)))
  :advice (:override emacs-init-time ad:emacs-init-time)
  (leaf page-break-lines :ensure t)
  ;; Set the title
  (setq dashboard-banner-logo-title
		(concat "GNU Emacs " emacs-version " kernel "
				(car (split-string (shell-command-to-string "uname -r")))  " Debian "
				(car (split-string (shell-command-to-string "cat /etc/debian_version"))) " 86_64 GNU/Linux"))

  ;; Set the banner
  (setq dashboard-startup-banner (expand-file-name "emacs.png" user-emacs-directory)
		dashboard-page-separator "\n\f\f\n"
		dashboard-set-heading-icons t
		dashboard-set-file-icons t
		show-week-agenda-p t
		dashboard-items '((recents  . 5)
						  (agenda . 5)))

  ;; Set the footer
  (setq dashboard-footer-messages
		'("Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances."))
  (setq dashboard-footer-icon
		(all-the-icons-octicon "dashboard" :height 1.0 :v-adjust -0.05 :face 'font-lock-keyword-face))

  (defun dashboard-insert-custom (list-size)
	"Insert custom itemes LIST-SIZE."
	(insert " GH: (h)    calendar: (c)    News: (n.y.w)    Mail: (m)    Slack: (s)    Twitter: (t)    (.)"))

  ;; Insert custom item
  (add-to-list 'dashboard-item-generators  '(custom . dashboard-insert-custom))
  (add-to-list 'dashboard-items '(custom) t))


dashbord をカスタマイズするためのユーザー関数です。

;; Custom configurations
(defun dashboard-goto-recent-files ()
  "Go to recent files."
  (let ((func (local-key-binding "r")))
    (and func (funcall func))))

(defvar dashboard-recover-layout-p nil
  "Wether recovers the layout.")

(defun open-dashboard ()
  "Open the *dashboard* buffer and jump to the first widget."
  (setq dashboard-recover-layout-p t)

(defun quit-dashboard ()
  "Quit dashboard window."
  (quit-window t)
  (when (and dashboard-recover-layout-p
			 (bound-and-true-p winner-mode))
    (setq dashboard-recover-layout-p nil)))

;; Return a string giving the duration of the Emacs initialization
(defun ad:emacs-init-time ()
  "Advice `emacs-init-time'."
  (let ((str
		 (format "%.3f seconds"
				  (time-subtract after-init-time before-init-time)))))
	(if (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
		(message "%s" str)

(defun sylpheed ()
  "Open sylpheed."
  (compile "sylpheed")

(defun slack ()
  "Open sylpheed."
  (compile "slack")